Jun 16, 2021
Please welcome Vipul Siddharth, @SiddharthVipul Software Engineer @RedHat Mindshare member & Diversity & Inclusion advisor @fedora Council
June 16 to 23 on @imakefoss
@imakefoss is a rotation curation account, a blog and a YouTube channel.

Jun 17, 2021
Good morning everyone :) I am excited to be here for a week.
In less than an hour (1200 UTC), Fedora Join SIG (Fedora Join helps new comers in the community) has organized RPM packaging classroom. If you are interested in learning, do join!
Jun 20, 2021
Fedora Infra is huge and we have a lot applications that we deploy and maintain. Let’s discuss (in this thread) how Fedora-Infra is setup
- @SiddharthVipul
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul 2/ We discussed this in our last Infrastructure meeting ( and this is a summary of that. It was @nirik99 who shared this, thank you! :)
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 3/ We develop apps to build Fedora Linux, as well as deploy/manage/operate around those things. Red Hat pays for lots of our infrastructure (machines, networks, datacenter space, etc) but we also get some donated from various places (hosting providers, Amazon, etc)
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 4/ You can see our applications and scripts at and (and other places there). for the ops side of things, we have Ansible managing most things we run. our ansible git repo is in
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 5/ it deploys things, installs all our vms - does all the heavy lifting We have a staging env and a production env. It has it’s own separate account system, and domain vs, vs
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 6/ this allows us to make things very similar and just insert that .stg We have 2 message busses: old fedmsg- and a new ‘fedora-messaging’ bus :
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 7/ these are where our applications and scripts send messages when they do things… then we can have other applications act on those. You can see the live feed at
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 8/ Since our main focus is shipping Fedora Linux (which is released about every 6 months) we have a series of freezes around that. one before/around the Beta release and one before/around the Final release. During a freeze we stop all changes except those approved
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 9/ by release engineering or sysadmin-main group members (These groups are high access groups and are given to trusted members) this is to make sure we don’t destabilize anything and mess up the release.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 10/ Ashburn, VA, US - This is our primary data center, most of our machines are there. It’s run by Red Hat IT folks (they handle networking and such) we have a community account given to us by amazon (Thank you!) that we run some services/development instances in.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 11/ we have a few servers in other data centers donated to us for our use.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 12/ Our account system ( is a new application we wrote called noggin that sits on top of IPA. (shout out to @abompard , @TippBeerGuy, @Arrfab, @NilsPhilippsen,@StephenCoady, @ryanlerch and others who worked on these (along with a lot of community members)
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 13/ So, in that account system we have a ton of groups and such. an important for new comers: The fi-apprentice group is a group that has ssh access to a lot of machines, but is otherwise read only. Apprentices don’t have sudo or the like.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 14/ The idea is to allow new interested people to login and look around and see how things are setup, etc. Then we have a ‘sysadmin’ group. This group is the base group that allows you to commit to the ansible repo and is a requirement for all the other sysadmin groups.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 15/ We usually will add someone here once they have been around for a while and have submitted good PR’s / fixes then we have sysadmin-X groups for many of our applications. So, say ‘sysadmin-bodhi’ will allow you to login to the bodhi application vm’s and sudo there.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 16/ the idea is that we can add people to these groups to manage specific applications without giving them access to everything everywhere. Also, these groups can run a script called ‘rbac-playbook’ (role based access control) on our ansible control host
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 17/ this lets them run ansible against only their specific group of hosts. Finally there’s a ‘sysadmin-main’ group. These are folks that have been around a long time and have basically access to everything, sudo everywhere, etc.
Jun 20, 2021
@SiddharthVipul @nirik99 @abompard @TippBeerGuy @Arrfab @NilsPhilippsen @StephenCoady @ryanlerch 18/ NOTE: you do not have to be a Red Hat employee to be in this group (sysadmin-main), just someone who has been around a long while, proved trusting and needs to do things.
Jun 22, 2021
First few steps into the contribution journey can be daunting. While every project works differently, let’s discuss how to contribute to the @fedora project and become a part of the @fedoracommunity
- @SiddharthVipul
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul 2/ I heard @sanjay_ankur (a fellow community member) saying: ‘We don’t want people to take up tasks and then meet people. We want them to first become Fedora community members, meet the people, and then take up tasks".
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur 3/ We want to make the newcomers feel comfortable. In the end, Fedora Project is more than the distribution we ship and the apps we build! As our project leader @mattdm said, ‘Fedora is people!"
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm 4/ Every project is different. In Fedora Project, we have a SIG (Special Interest Group) called Fedora Join, where we have a process that we believe can clear a lot of confusion that newcomer might have. The process is constantly evolving, and every feedback/help is appreciated.
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm 5/ Fedora Join aims to set up and maintain channels that let prospective contributors engage with the community.
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm 6/ This enables folks looking to join the Fedora community, converse with existing members, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what & how the community does in general, to reduce the learning curve that joining a new community entails - and make it more enjoyable!
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm 7/ When you join our IRC channel (#fedora-join @liberachat) or Telegram group (@joinfedora), we guide you through the steps that you need, to be able to do things in Fedora like - creating your account, logging in pagure (our git forge), etc.
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm @liberachat 8/ We open a ticket/issue welcoming you with important links that we feel you should take a look at to understand the project. We get to know you as well. While 1:1 mentorship is difficult, Fedora Join SIG serves as a place where newcomers can come comfortably, and ask questions!
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm @liberachat 9/ We direct you in the right direction. We have a bunch of people from different parts of the project lurking around in the group in case someone is looking for help. I am there to see if I can help someone interested in the Infrastructure or answer general queries.
Jun 22, 2021
@fedora @fedoracommunity @SiddharthVipul @sanjay_ankur @mattdm @liberachat 10/ There are packagers, documentation folks, design team members, web app developers, and many more amazing people. We can get you in touch with someone who does what you want to do
Jun 23, 2021
Fedora’s (first) annual contributor survey is happening this month. We will present its findings at Nest (our annual contributor-focused conference.) Take the survey if you haven’t & meet us at Nest with Fedora to celebrate (check 🎉🎉
- @SiddharthVipul
Jun 23, 2021
It’s been a fun week to be here. I was hoping to share more but stuff happened! Feel free to contact me if anyone needs help with FOSS or Fedora
Thank you @josp0001 for giving me this opportunity ^-^ looking forward to learning more through this account <3
- @SiddharthVipul