Jan 6, 2021
Happy New Year! 🥳
Thomas Markey - Founder of @fosshostorg - who provide services to many wonderful open-source projects will be joining us for a week (Jan 6th to 13th) to share his experiences.

Jan 6, 2021
Please welcome Thomas Markey @fosshostorg founder
Jan 06 to 13 on @imakefoss
Interview: YouTube:
@imakefoss is a Twitter rotation curation account, an interview blog and a YouTube channel.

Jan 6, 2021
Happy NEW YEAR!! Thank you @imakefoss for having me - I am looking forward to getting to learn about as many open source projects as possible and answer any of your foss projects #foss #floss #opensource #opensource
Jan 6, 2021
RT @twitlive: FLOSS Weekly and all the open-source goodness is up next on the TWiT Live Stream.
Jan 6, 2021
What is missing from the open source community? Please comment below and let me know. I will pick the best suggestion and make sure to include it in my talk on Friday with @peripateticacad
Jan 7, 2021
RT @peripateticacad: What do you think is missing from the open source community? Offer Thomas your suggestions here, and don’t forget to f…
Jan 7, 2021
Open source ecosystems and communities are extremely important.I often see open source developers and professionals communicate on a daily basis.@freenodestaff IRC is a great way to connect and become a part of the foss community #irc
Jan 8, 2021
We’re live today at 7:30 p.m. UTC. Monica Ayhens-Madon, @peripateticacad, will meet the @fosshostorg founder Thomas Markey for an interview:

Jan 8, 2021
This is really awesome and very kind and generous of you! Well done
Jan 9, 2021
RT @covidblogger: Mobilefuge: A low-cost, portable, open source, 3D-printed centrifuge that can be used for purification of saliva samples…
Jan 9, 2021
RT @ncodes: @anjiecast @radicle @urbit @element_hq @LBRYcom @fdroidorg @IPFS @makeos_ is for hosting, sharing, governing and discovering gi…
Jan 9, 2021
RT @kehoste: @jillianerowe This isn’t my project (I already have enough going on). @imakefoss is weekly curated by someone working on open…
Jan 10, 2021
Do you think that projects such as @parler_app should be refused and denied hosting? Let’s hear your comments folks!
Jan 10, 2021
It’s my 5th day now being the representative of @imakefoss and I had a great interview on Friday with @peripateticacad one of the topics we discussed included pairing foss projects. What are your thoughts on an opensource job directory for volunteers?
Jan 10, 2021
RT @prmsrswt: @GypsyDawg2K @DivineOps Everyone should be able to use open source software otherwise it won’t be open source. :)
Though thi…
Jan 10, 2021
6 more followers before we reach 1000! Please follow @imakefoss so we can start the new year with 1000 followers ~Thomas
Jan 11, 2021
Hi all, it’s coming towards the end of my time as the voice of @IMakeFOSS before my departure, we’ve now got over 1k of followers, if there is anything you would like me to talk about, please let me know!
Jan 11, 2021
#SignalApp app is in the top 4 trending github repos
Which chat client do you use? Let me know below! T
Jan 13, 2021
Right folks, that marks the end of my time representing @imakefoss - although I will step down to allow for @IkegahRuth I will still be around, running and talking to you mostly via the @fosshostorg project. Take care! T :D