Dec 3, 2020
Please welcome Egor Dorichev, @egordorichev Game Developer
Dec 02 to 09 on @imakefoss
Interview: Talk:
@imakefoss is a Twitter rotation curation account, an interview blog and a YouTube channel:

Dec 3, 2020
Hi, everyone! I’m going to try and do my best in highlighting awesome open source projects that came onto my radar in the past few years!

Dec 3, 2020
One of the best things about #FOSS is how you can learn from the work of other people!
One of my favorite books of all times teaches you about the inner workings of compilers, how to build one and it’s fully open-source!

Dec 4, 2020
I do a lot of game development in my free time, so I thought I’d share some #FOSS tools and libraries that make the job so much easier!
ImGUI is an amazing immediate mode UI library, meaning that to draw a button you have to call just one function!
Dec 4, 2020
And if you are looking for a great #FOSS game engine, I can really recommend you LibGDX: a cross-platform engine written in Java.
Or if you prefer something a bit more simple yet very powerful, Processing is your best shot
Dec 4, 2020
For fans of JavaScript out there, I’m pretty sure you know the library already, but I thought I’d mention amazing p5.js, it is basically Processing but with JS scripting straight in your browser!
Dec 4, 2020
And if you ever need art for your games, aseprite is as good as it gets, especially taking into the consideration that it is #FOSS too (I was really surprised when I found this out)
It’s is THE software used for pixel art by millions of professionals
Dec 5, 2020
#FOSS games are very rare, especially on mobile. Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an amazing roguelike written in Java, that can teach you a ton both about game/code design & roguelikes. It’s a must play!
Dec 7, 2020
Dec 8th - 9:00 a.m. UTC Interview with Egor Dorichev and James Mawson
Live stream:
Your questions to Egor? Please reply to this tweet. Thanks!

Dec 8, 2020
Continuing on topic of useful #FOSS for developing games, really often you need something to record a clip of video, and OBS is just an overkill for that.
That’s when Simple Screen Recorder steps in: lightweight, very powerful & easy to use:
Dec 9, 2020
Many thanks to @egordorichev and @JamesAMawson for the interview! You can find it here:
Dec 9, 2020
Lite is a very powerful #FOSS code editor written in Lua with plugins in mind. It does everything you would want from your modern IDE & more, while staying really simple in terms of the actual implementation!
Dec 9, 2020
And with that, I’m passing the mic to the next @imakefoss curator!
Thanks for having me, and see y’all around Twitter :)
- @egordorichev