Jun 2, 2021
Please welcome Carlos Barreto, @carlosedubarret @Blender MOCAP addon developer
June 2 to 9 on @imakefoss
@imakefoss is a rotation curation account, a blog, a YouTube channel and a podcast.

Jun 2, 2021
Thanks a lot for the opportunity.
I hope to be able to show some of the things I’m working that can help people to create their own animations using Blender 3d.
I hope to make you as excited as I am since I started it early this year
Carlos Barreto
Jun 3, 2021
I was thinking. What if, you could create animations easily, like setting 2 or 3 keyframes and then run an addon that could automaticaly create the inbetweens?
The original idea is from
What do you think?
Carlos Barreto

Jun 3, 2021
Now I have 3 projects in mind. -Create a workflow to use wiht mocap_import (the addon I’m developing) -Finish the face mocap inside mocap_import -This new idea for creating animation with 3 keyframes -Test @nvidia audio2face with blender
How to choose? Tough
Carlos Barreto
Jun 3, 2021
@branskugel @carlosedubarret @nvidia Thats actualy great idea… But they are all cool ideas. Maybe it could be changed by, do what you are more excited to see it working.
Yeah, thatΒ΄s hard to choose π
Jun 3, 2021
@branskugel @carlosedubarret Thanks. I’m always thinking in ways to enable more people to show their creations.
I think the can be even better than the mocap tools I’m working on…
Jun 4, 2021
Good news, the developer of Easymocap added a flag for full SMPL bones export.
I’ve to update the addon, but now it must be easier to generate the mocap data with hand/finger animation.
Jun 4, 2021
@bayqq today to have the full animation with fingers, it was needed the user to manually change some python code. With this option it will be needed anymore.
Its good news.. I just have to change the addon to get the result properly
Jun 4, 2021
Finally made some tests with audio2face from @nvidia using a blender model
It was not easy, but it worked. Now the other problem, how to get the result back in blender ?π

Jun 4, 2021
@bayqq @nvidia There is… Maya MC file and USD (both I didnt find a way to import in Blender yet) π’
Jun 4, 2021
Getting the Maya Dev Kit to see how to convert the #Ominiverse audio2face Maya MC cache file to something Blender can read.
That’s difficult to find a new tech that runs smooth π
Carlos Barreto

Jun 4, 2021
@VittoRivabella @carlosedubarret thanks, I’ll need that. On the reading of the data I’m already receiving a bunch of errors. I’m debugging them π’

Jun 4, 2021
@VittoRivabella @carlosedubarret Things are starting to move π¦Ύ

Jun 4, 2021
Today I was able to find a way to convert Maya binary MC file to something readable.
Tomorrow, Ill try to create a MDD or PC2 file with that information.
With it I can use blender mesh modifier to apply the nvidia audio2face deformation on the character
Carlos Barreto
Jun 4, 2021
@yodaism There is no option. It must be done LOL.
Audio2face is amazing!!!! π
Jun 4, 2021
@yodaism I think I answered to a bot… π€ On my defense it was very convincing, and has the Yoda face. How can someone not respond to that? π
Jun 4, 2021
Applying the Maya MC data binary to string conversion inside blender
Thats good less to do tomorrow. BTW the code is working inside blender. The proof is the second screen
Carlos Barreto

Jun 5, 2021
Done π Now its possible to import @nvidiaomniverse audio2face inside blender.
Soon to come for free to

Jun 5, 2021
@lordbubull @carlosedubarret @nvidiaomniverse Thanks a lot for the words… Hopefully this weekend I finish some builds for you guys to play too.
audio2face from nvidia ominiverse is needed.
Jun 5, 2021
@iltaen @carlosedubarret @nvidiaomniverse Thats because of her make up ππ
Thanks for the words. Today I must release some preview code for our patreons, but I think until tomorrow I can release the free github/gunroad file
Jun 5, 2021
@bayqq @nvidia there is not import for USD yet, only to export.
And to use on Omniverse we need to do some ajustments, or it wont work. Took me a couple of days to solve the import in omniverse problem.
attached are the import and export options available. I also thought there was import usd

Jun 5, 2021
@bayqq @carlosedubarret @nvidiaomniverse Faster than I thought.
I cant complain, I have luck to be able to work with it and to have nice people like you, sharing experiences with me.
thats the best part of it all π
Jun 5, 2021
#b3d #nvidia #omniverse #audio2face Tutorial on Omniverse audio2face to blender
For our patreons the preview code
Youtube link
Soon we will be releasing the free addon with that audio2face to blender conversion
Carlos Barreto
Jun 5, 2021
@bayqq @carlosedubarret Oh man… Thats time for some inner thoughts… ArenΒ΄t we all some sort of AI?
Jun 5, 2021
#blender #nvidia #ominiverse MocapImport 0.7 - Audio2face to Blender
Patreon - free for everyone, with files
Free download of the addon
The source files
Carlos Barreto

Jun 6, 2021
Hello everybody. Now begins on more day here in Brazil. Just woke up with the idea to make audio2face even faster to use. I’m going to try to add this function to release today.
Hope I can bring it to you guys,
Carlos Barreto
Jun 6, 2021
The latest development state. There is now a button to export the usda file, the button also fixes some parameters on the USDA file creating another one with ‘_fixed" in its name.
I’m just doing more tweaks to give user the best experience
Carlos Barreto

Jun 6, 2021
Life happened. Some unexpected things showed up, so I had to stop developing for some hours. As I can only develop in my spare time, this usually happens.
There is still a chance for me to release the export USDA option today, and a quick tutorial with it.
Carlos Barreto
Jun 6, 2021
@Gorro_Rojo @carlosedubarret Thanks a lot for the words. Seemmed like, but it wasn’t actually a complaint (or sort of)
The complaint was about the things that happened. The rush is in myself. I started an animation project in 2020/02 and now it is where I’m closer to start animating. π Thanks for the words
Jun 6, 2021
@cet77 Hello Carl Actualy I’m going to start taking care of myself today.
I’m 6 months without exercising phisicaly.
Today I’m going to start it again. Reading what youΒ΄ve wrote, I see that Its important. One more reason to do the exercise. π¦Ύ
Thanks a lot for the words.
Jun 6, 2021
#b3d #nvidia #omniverse Finished the heavy dev on the audio2face export option.
Now I’m testing on another blender version while recording a tutorial on how you will export and import the animation back in blender.
Carlos Barreto
Jun 6, 2021
#blender #nvidia #ominiverse MocapImport 0.71 - Audio2face Import and Export to Blender
Patreon - free for everyone
Free download of the addon
Youtube - Tutorial
Carlos Barreto
Jun 7, 2021
Hello, good morning everybody. The development of the import/export of audio2face was done yesterday and a new mocap_import was released with it.
Today I go back on developing the face mocap solution using #deeeplabcut.
This one will take longer to finish.
Carlos Barreto
Jun 7, 2021
Back on tests, creating a face model, and using the model to create the face mocap in blender
BTW. Its amazing the work done by @DeepLabCut . you should check it
Carlos Barreto

Jun 8, 2021
Hello everyone. Today I was doing some tests on Deeplabcut Live (
This package let you run the created model done in #deeplabcut ( to do some prediction on new footage.
Very interesting..
Carlos Barreto
Jun 9, 2021
#nvidia #deeplabcut #b3d I was making a test to show that we could use audio2face + deeplabcut to drive our animations.
I had just 1h to do this, so it is far from perfect.
On first loop its only audio2face, on second loop is audio2face and deeplabcut.
Carlos Barreto

Jun 9, 2021
This is my last tweet here. It was a fun ride. I would like to thank you all interacting with me during this time and for the great response you gave.
I would also like to thank a lot @josp0001 for the invitation.
It was amazing!!! Wish you all the best
Carlos Barreto